Confederation Park Playground

Confederation Park 2.jpg

Client | City of Calgary

Status | Complete 2017

Project Type | Playground

Confederation Park playground encourages unstructured and creative play through the use of natural materials and unconventional forms. Built with logs, boulders, planting, loose materials and sculptures, this playscape aims to bring children closer to nature and serves as a platform for free play activities.

Central to the playscape sits a multi-level tower overlooking the park, designed to be reminiscent of a play fort built in Confederation Park in the late 1800s. This fort challenges children to climb ropes and nets up through multiple floors inside the tower to the 4.5-meter mega slide destination above.

An overturned full-size Voyageur canoe rests on logs and a large boulder – an iconic Canadian symbol of exploration that beckons climbers to the sculpture. Opposite the canoe, staggered timber steppers lead to smaller embankment slides for younger explorers, challenging their agility and balance skills.

A water pump and interactive play sand area at the base of the slides encourages kids to get dirty while they tap into their creativity building and sculpting as their imaginations run wild. Swings, monkey bars, a porch swing and a Little Free Library provide a variety of educational and play experiences.

*photos courtesy of earthscape


Banff Streetscapes Design Guidelines


Rotary-Mattamy Greenway