interpretive planning

zoological landscape architecture


groundcubed is proud to have delivered many zoo animal habitat and public experience projects. Our team has a strong understanding of how to approach innovative zoo design and prioritize animal wellbeing, guest experience, and education. .

Creating spaces for animals and people is a unique challenge and the very nature of zoo design is that no two projects are identical. The biological, husbandry and enrichments needs of each species and the interpretive story that connects with visitors change with each project. We build upon and implement our learnings from prior projects, while adapting to the focus species or landscape. Our depth of experience means we understand how to apply our knowledge from past work to your specific project.

our approach

We apply our knowledge of native species and the local landscape to establish robust design appropriate for your climate, while reflecting the intended zoo theming geography and ecology. Our approach develops the interpretive theme and overall narrative at the project’s outset so the story is woven through all facets of our thoughtful and engaging design. We collaborate with experienced design agencies to create innovative interpretive infrastructure and thoughtful signage design to accompany our landscape storytelling.

Understand the Animals

  • Identify the unique wellbeing, husbandry and enrichment needs of the species

  • Design for functionality and operational longevity

  • Reflect wild habitats and geography, but with local solutions

Create the Experience

  • Define sense of place to design iconic destinations and visitor amenities

  • Prioritize accessibility and optimize circulation

  • Ensure a cohesive and immersive environment

Communicate the Story

  • Build love and empathy for wildlife

  • Weave art and science to evoke emotional connections

  • Inspire conservation action to create a more hopeful future

what we offer

The groundcubed team works in the public and private sectors as prime consultants, project managers, interpretive planners, and as specialized contributors to Architects, Engineers, and design-builders from project inception to construction completion.

The scope of services provided by the team at groundcubed includes:

  • Facilitation, project visioning, site conceptualization, visualization, design-build, contract development, scoping documentation, and advisory roles.

  • Schematic and detailed landscape design and contract document preparation.

  • Interpretive planning, including interpretive design project management.

  • Construction administration and coordination.

our collaborators

We believe creativity stems from collaboration, with the best projects beginning with ideas that snowball into visions and conversations that ignite passion and inspire buy-in from all team members. We work with subject-matter experts to ensure our habitats meet the needs of the focal species and align our storytelling with the organization’s mission.

  • Zoo design specialists

  • LSS designers

  • Transportation and civil engineers

  • Creative design agencies

  • Indigenous communities

our work

Habitat Design


Animal Viewing

Water Features

Ponds and Plantings

Animal Management

Public Amenities

Back of House Areas

Animal Transfers

Animal Husbandry Systems


Play Areas

Donor Recognition

Gathering Spaces

Interpretive Planning

Public Art

Public Art

Interpretive Signage


Master Planning

Project Management