Team Tiffany AdairLandscape Designer Tyler AdamLandscape Designer Tracy BealingPrincipal | Planner Justin BhatiaLandscape Designer James Bowling Principal | Project Management Emma BrodieLandscape Designer Tom BrownLandscape Designer Christy CaswellStudio Coordinator Michael ChamberlainLandscape Architectural Technologist Henriette CrawfordArchitectural Technologist Rosalyn EstoqueLandscape Designer Michelle GlavicLandscape Architect Heather GouldingLandscape Architect Michelle GouletMarketing & Proposal Coordinator Natalie Goulet-SorensonPartner | Landscape Architect Nolan HalonenLandscape Architectural Technologist Matt HedgesLandscape Architectural Technologist Ben Hettinga Landscape Architect Wade HorrocksPrincipal | Landscape Architect, Golf Course Architect Erin JenkinsLandscape Architectural Technologist Jamie JohnsonLandscape Architect Ryan JonesLandscape Architect Shaheed KarimLandscape Architect Andrea KennedyPrincipal | Landscape Architect Jared KernahanLandscape Architectural Technologist Shannon KirkbyLandscape Designer Tessa LarsenPlanner Brendan LawlorArchitectural Technologist Craig LawsonController Mike LightPrincipal | Landscape Architect Bronte McArthurPrincipal | Landscape Architect Jenna McIntyreLandscape Designer Vik MercadoLandscape Architectural Technologist Administrator Chelsea PolandLandscape Architect Lauryn RecordInterpretive Planner | Project Manager Dawna SagiOffice Administrator Jonathan SagiManaging Partner | Landscape Architect Colton SawchukLandscape Architectural Technologist Greg StewartPartner | Landscape Architect Kayla TolentinoMarketing & Database Specialist Reece VandersandenGIS Analyst & Technologist RumiPawject Manager CedarResident Goofball ObitoBarketing Director DexOffice Pup-urrito Shasta DaisyStudio Supervisor JacksonMischief Manager KiaraCFO (Chief Fetch Officer) AellaChief Wooficer of Snuggles WoolyShameless Methane Producer KodaPaw-sitive Vibes Coordinator SteveSenior Consulting Barkitect DarlingVP of Zoomie Operations FraxinusIn Memoriam DotIn Memoriam